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I'll find someone eventually but until then, I am just chillin'

Hi everyone,

So today is Singles Day. I am single. So very, very single. I am so single that when I get drunk, (on my own) I don't even have anyone to drunk text!

You know what though, it is okay. Don't get me wrong, I have moments, like last weekend for example, that I hate it. It isn't that I don't like being on my own because I actually quite enjoy my own company most of the time. I would say that it is more that I want someone to share moments with, or you know like someone to cook for. Cooking for one adult and a tiny human is kind of frustrating! Especially as the kid really doesn't appreciate my culinary talents.

However, I did invent ( that may be a stretch) something the other day and I am pretty proud of it. Honestly not sure why I have never done this before but I made a fish finger sandwich with garlic bread. GARLIC BREAD PEOPLE! It is genius!

Anyway, Singles Day... what a load of crap! In China though, it is really popular! I have just been looking at it online and it is a proper big thing, they get each other gifts and everything! I think it's hilarious! But then thinking about it, it isn't like Valentines Day like those people have partners to buy for. What do people do on Singles Day?! Buy themself like a cute dress, or a nice smelling candle! I for one decided to treat myself to a steak! Really embracing this day and my singleness.

So here's to Singles Day - I literally still cannot believe this is a day! As if I need this day to remember my love life is shite!

Moving on though, Aurora.

Where do I even begin?

The terrible two's are in full effect.

Honestly, I can not even cope with this level of sass.

Her attitude just sucks.

Things have definitely been better between us.

Although a very funny moment - Rory cut her finger (not the funny part).

It wasn't life-threatening or anything. Anyway, I realised I have never bought plasters before! This, I feel is quite the achievement having a two-year-old accident-prone child and never needed a plaster! So, I got the plasters and put one on her finger. She was then going on all day about how her finger hurts and her hand hurts... she's a proper hypochondriac!

Then in a moment of inspiration when Aurora was going ON AND ON AND ON AND ON... I told her if she didn't stop whinging then her finger would fall off. That got me about half an hour of silence. Then when she wouldn't eat her dinner I told her, her finger would fall off if she didn't eat her food, and guess what... she ate her food. Not all of it granted, but enough!

Tell you what between my parenting prowess and my reinvented fish finger sandwiches, I am on a roll!

Also discovered the best thing the other day... Ralph snores. Now when humans snore it is the worst thing ever! However, when Ralph snores, it is just adorable!

Many thanks, sincerely

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