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Parenting is all fun and games until you’re cleaning sh*t up off the cream carpet...

Well... where to begin... Aurora has, as you know, started nursery and she was getting on so well. We got to the point where she wouldn't cry when I left her, but instead, she would give me a kiss and a cuddle, tell me she loves me and then would just walk off waving. Melted my ice-cold heart it did! Then disaster struck. Okay, I am being a little dramatic.

She did, however, seem to come home one day with every single illness under the sun. Not even kidding, she would seem better one day, so I would send her back, then BOOM she would come home with something else. Not going to lie it was a pretty stressful two weeks. Added to this, whatever she had, I then caught, and whatever I caught, and for whatever reason, I seemed to get it 100 times worse! Like, I was stuck in bed for a week and a half. Do you have any idea how stressful and difficult it is to look after a two-year-old, who is also ill but still wants to draw and make pizzas and cakes?

It is hard.

She literally seemed fine in herself, this was the confusing thing. So one day I walked her to nursery in the rain. I had done my back in from my coughing and my whole body ached. My theory was... I will get back from dropping her off and I can have a couple of hours to nap and not worry about what pieces of furniture she has decided to decorate today. Seems ideal right? Well... I got home from dropping her off, and as soon as I sat down on my sofa with a cup of coffee... I get a phone call from the nursery saying she has the shits. Now, when I say the shits, I mean like her leggings were unsalvagable, god only knows what the kid had, but it did, for sure, cause an explosion.

So last week I kept her home. All week. Back to the good old days.


Not only were Rory and myself ill. But little puppy Benters was also poorly.

Bentley came over, because, you know, I'm not going to let him be on his own all day whilst he is sick!


Instead, I invited him into my home and he repaid me by shitting all over my carpet.

Tell you what though, although, yes, I was annoyed at first. Thanks to his runny poos and Aurora having a couple of brown accidents on my cream carpet, I am now a master at carpet cleaning.

He is now better. Back to his bitey Bentley self. We had cuddles today. He is delicious!

Disclaimer: I did not eat the dog.

So, I sent Aurora back today. Completely clean. No cough. No runny nose. No nothing. I go to pick her up and there it is. Again. That runny nose. To add to all this. My cough that had cleared up before the weekend. Is now back. I always thought it was just "Calpol" that every parent needed. I mean, it is.... please get "Calpol"! But now, I have so many other medicines for her. There is - "Calprofen", "Neurofen", some weird named cough medicine - but she didn't like that flavour.... so we had to go and get another flavour. Honestly. It has been a ridiculous (as Rory would say) couple of weeks. Added to this, I think I am immune to Ibuprofen now.

So you know, that's great.

Today I painted Rory's room. I bought a colour that I thought, was a light pink, in fact, the paint is actually called "Pretty Pink".

Right, so a cute light pink colour, on the tin it seems like a really light baby pink. Well.... on the walls it is BRIGHT. Like I need sunglasses to go into her room now and I haven't even done the second coat yet. I mean, Aurora loves it and that's what matters right?!


So that has been my last couple of weeks!

For more updates on my fun-filled life with my child, please do tune in next time!

Many thanks, sincerely!

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